LoL Rank Boosting


In the captivating world of online gaming, one name often stands out among the crowd – League of Legends (LoL). Whether you’re a novice player or a seasoned pro, you might have heard about the concept of ‘rank boosting.’ But what exactly does this mean? Let’s dive in!

The World of League of Legends (LoL)

Understanding the Basics

League of Legends is a fast-paced, multiplayer online battle arena game where two teams of five compete to destroy the other’s base.

The Ranking System

One of the core aspects of LoL is its complex ranking system. Players compete in ranked matches to improve their standing, aiming for the prestigious Challenger rank.

What is Rank Boosting?


Rank boosting in LoL is when a player (the ‘boostee’) hires a highly skilled player or service (the ‘booster’) to play on their account and win games, increasing their rank.

How it Works

Boosters, often players of high ranks themselves, will play on the boostee’s account and climb the ranking ladder quickly.

Why Players Choose Rank Boosting

ELO Hell Escape

Many players find themselves trapped in ‘ELO Hell,’ a rank where they believe their teammates are holding them back from advancing. Rank boosting offers a way out.


Climbing the ranks in LoL takes time. Boosting allows players to reach their desired rank faster than playing on their own.

Skill Gap Bridging

Boosting can help bridge the skill gap for players who believe they belong in a higher rank but struggle to get there.

Pros of Rank Boosting

Fast Rank Progression

With boosting, players can rise through the ranks at an accelerated pace, experiencing higher-tier gameplay faster.

Learning from Experts

Some boosting services provide coaching. Players can learn new strategies and improve their gameplay by observing their booster.

Exposure to Higher Skill Play

Boosting allows players to experience games at higher ranks, exposing them to new strategies and more skilled opponents.

Cons of Rank Boosting

Potential Account Penalties

Riot Games, the developers of LoL, frown upon rank boosting. If caught, the boostee’s account may face penalties, including temporary or permanent suspension.

Skill Mismatch

A boosted player may find themselves outmatched at higher ranks, as their actual skill level may not match their boosted rank.

Unfair Gameplay

Boosting can result in unbalanced matches, as the skill gap between the booster and the opponents might be significant.

Choosing a Reliable Rank Boosting Service

Secure Payment

Ensure the service offers secure payment options to safeguard your financial information.

Experienced Boosters

Choose a service with high-rank boosters. The higher the booster’s rank, the quicker and more successful the boosting process will be.


Your account information should be kept confidential to prevent unauthorized access and potential misuse.

Ethics of Rank Boosting

Debating Fairness

The fairness of rank boosting is a hotly debated topic. Some argue it’s just a service, while others view it as a form of cheating that disrupts the ranking system’s integrity.

Impact on Community

Boosting can negatively impact the gaming community, as it may lead to unbalanced and unfair matches.

Alternatives to Rank Boosting

Improving Your Skills

The best alternative to boosting is improving your gameplay. Practice, analyze your games, and learn from your mistakes to climb the ranks.

Hiring a Coach

Consider hiring a coach instead of a booster. Coaches can provide personalized feedback to help you improve.

Joining a Team

Joining a team or finding a group of players with similar goals can lead to consistent improvement and more enjoyable games.


While rank boosting in League of Legends can be tempting for many reasons, it’s crucial to consider its potential consequences and alternatives. After all, the journey to the top can be just as rewarding as the destination.


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